Pratap narayan mishra biography of michael

Sachin tendulkar former member of rajya sabha

Pratap Narayan Mishra (24 September – 6 July ) was a Hindi essayist in British India.

pratap narayan mishra biography of michael

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A renowned poet and writer of Bhartendu Mandal, Pratap Narain Mishra was born in at Baijegaon in Unnao District, Uttar Pradesh.

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साहित्यिक योगदान- प्रतापनारायण मिश्र भारतेंदु के विचारों और आदर्शों के महान प्रचारक और व्याख्याता थे। वह प्रेम को परमधर्म मानते थे। हिंदी, Missing: michael.
Rajya sabha members party wise
Pratap Narayan Mishra (), a resident of the Unnao district in Uttar Pradesh is recognised as one of the prominent nationalist Hindi litterateurs of the 19 th century, who wrote profusely in mediums like poetry, essay and drama.