Pharaoh ramses ii death mask
Ramses ii and moses
The mask of Tutankhamun or King Tut's mask is a gold funerary mask that belonged to Tutankhamun, who reigned over the New Kingdom of Egypt from BC to BC, during the Eighteenth Dynasty.
How old was ramses ii when he became pharaoh
Ramses II, a pharaoh of the 19th dynasty, is often regarded as the greatest pharaoh of the Egyptian Empire and is known for his construction of cities, temples and monuments.
How did ramses ii die
Material: Gold, lapis lazuli, glass paste, obsidian, turquoise.
Ramses ii tomb
Few items, however, survive that can be associated with the burial: a wooden statuette of the king (British Museum), four pseudo - canopic jars (Louvre), the upper half of a .