Miriam meets bernadette devlin biography

Bernadette devlin mcaliskey quotes

Devlin criticised Irish-Americans who opposed the struggle for African-American rights in the U.S. but supported the fight for civil rights in Ireland.
miriam meets bernadette devlin biography

Miriam meets bernadette devlin biography

Bernadette McAliskey, then known as Bernadette Devlin, was a leading figure in the civil rights movement and was one of the founding members of People's Democracy .

Bernadette devlin quotes

In , Bernadette Devlin assaulted the home secretary, Reginald Maudling, after "Bloody Sunday" when 13 people were killed in Derry as British forces broke up a meeting.
Bernadette dohrn
After taking part in the ‘Battle of the Bogside’ in August – a three-day riot in which Catholic residents rose up against the discrimination of the RUC – Bernadette travelled .