Jon christian ryter obamacare
Who is jon christian ryter
The Democrats have a very serious problem with Obamacare.
Jon christian ryter obamacare
Beginning January 1, 2013 (just after the 2012 election—how convenient) Title IX of Obamacare imposes a 3.8% Medicare tax on the sale of single family homes, townhouses, .
Jon christian ryter obamacare plan
Of course SEIU is in favor of Obamacare because, like the federal government, their version of the plan doesn't contain the rationing the rest of us will endure if Obamacare becomes law.
Jon christian ryter obamacare foundation
Leftwing pundits, who have been screaming for an end to the rightwing "heated rhetoric" about Obamacare, Cap & Trade, and earmarks, were the first to brand conservatives .