Ilya prigogine quotes about strength

Quotes about success

„Nevratnost dějů existuje buď na libovolné úrovni, nebo neexistuje vůbec, nemůže se objevit jenom proto, že jsme přešli z jedné úrovně ke druhé.“ — Ilja PrigogineMissing: quotes · strength.
ilya prigogine quotes about strength

Ilya prigogine quotes about strength

Discover the Top 15 Ilya Prigogine Quotes, as voted by QuoteFancy readers.

Ilya prigogine quotes about strength and weakness

Quotes by Ilya Prigogine ( - ).
Ilya prigogine quotes about strength and courage
Collection of sourced quotations from Order out of chaos () by Ilya Prigogine.