Charlemagne biography in french
Charlemagne parents
Charlemagne, du latin Carolus Magnus, ou Charles I dit «le Grand», né à une date inconnue (vraisemblablement durant l'année , voire ou , peut-être le 2 avril), mort le 28 janvier à Aix-la-Chapelle, est un roi des Francs et empereur.
Why is charlemagne important
Charlemagne, also known as Charles I and Charles the Great, was born around A.D., likely in what is now Belgium.
Charlemagne meaning
Best known for: Founding father of the French and German Monarchies; Biography of Charlemagne.
How did charlemagne die
Charlemagne, also known as Charles the Great, was the King of the Franks and Lombards, the restorer of the Western Roman Empire, and the founder of the Carolingian dynasty.